January 5 Art Walk Color Theme is SILVER with hints of black and white to celebrate the New Year filled with reflection, hope, and idealistic goals for the future. The sparkly color of silver represents shimmering thoughtfulness, honorable dedication, untarnished resilience, imaginative aspirations, revolutionary receptiveness, and aloft ideals. To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly color themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it.
First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at SequimArtWalk.com as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.
Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.
Special events for January 5:

The Eighth Annual “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Sterling Reputation” Mystery Game is a fun-filled evening where visitors engage with suspects and collect clues about the suspects at various venues to solve the crime. Play the game for a chance to win a prize during the January 5 First Friday Art Walk Sequim from 5:00 to 7:30 PM.
Our story is set on New Year’s Day 1986, something is afoot as revelers recover from a rocking celebration the night before as they attempt to describe the ruckus and prepare for a hopeful new year. The wildly popular Kitty Sterling Sterling of MTV groundbreaking edutainment specials has been catnapped for ransom, much like his legendary great, great, great grandmother Martini was in the 30’s. Big shoulder pads and extravagant bigger egos reveal fame and fortune are not everything.
Starting at 5:00 PM, moon walk or keep walking on sunshine down the sidewalk while visiting various Sequim First Friday Art Walk venues for clues. Mingle with the suspects in our mystery game and discover why they might have kidnapped the silver tabby Kitty Sterling Sterling. Visitors and sleuths to the “Whodunnit Downtown?” and First Friday Art Walk Sequim are encouraged to dress in the theme colors of silver, black, and white, as well as, in 80’s era attire, New Wave, Punk, and Hard Rock, Preppy, and “Goonies” and other adventure motivated costumes. It is not required, but dressing up makes the evening more fun, festive, and dialed up to 11.
To play, pick up your game card at any of the participating venues at 5:00 PM. Fill out your game card, and enter it at “Whodunnit Headquarters” Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 154 W Washington Street, and then be part of the prize drawing for the correct answer at 7:30 PM. No purchase necessary. Must be 21+ to win. Need not be present to win. Winner drawn by random and the first game card drawn with the correct answer wins the prizes donated by Sequim friends and local businesses.
The Eighth Annual “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Sterling Reputation” Mystery Game is co-hosted by First Friday Art Walk Sequim and partnered with our Sequim Downtown Merchants. You will find clues at these venues: A. Milligan Art Studio & Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Ave., Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St., Cedarbrook Lavender & Herb Farm Gift Shop at 120 W Washington St., Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 154 W Washington St., La Petite Maison Blanc at 213 E Washington St., Pacific Mist Books at 122 W Washington St., Over the Fence at 118 E. Washington St., Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St., and Wild Goddess Brews-n-Bites at 145 E Washington St. Suite D.
You will find more details soon and a map at SequimArtWalk.com
Can you solve this compelling mystery game? You totally can! Fer sure, like totally!
Thank you very much to our “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Sterling Reputation” Mystery Game Suspects which include Reid Lead (Kelly Phillips), Particulars Gild (Susan Baritelle), Awesome AG (Ericak Albers), Precious Troyounce (Sheri Whetstine), Ariana Troyounce (Julie Hembre), Memphis Spinzar (Susan Cates), Rupa Rupal (Caitlin Knapple), Stella Standard (Emily Westcott), and Sally Skyward (CaptainCrystal)!

New Venue for the Art Walk! River House Bakery & Cafe at 120 W. Bell Street to enjoy Kelli Ward of KW Photography. She shares, “I’ve been a hobby photographer for years now and as you’ll see, I have a variety of shots. My passion is with nature and landscape photography but I also love trying to get silhouettes with interesting backgrounds as well as animals. My dream is to be commissioned for specific landmark shots which send me into nature on a mission. I love hiking and trying to capture the essence of the Northwest whether that’s a full landscape shot or zooming in on the elements.”

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.
The A. Milligan Art Studio and Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue hosts the Olympic Peninsula Art Association’s Members Show & Fundraiser shines on through January. During the opening reception in December, visitors to the Gallery voted for their favorite works of art in the “People’s Choice Awards.” Stop in to see the diverse works and various talents of the artist members of the OPAA, and see if your favorite work has been adorned with a winning ribbon! The proceeds from this fundraising event benefit the OPAA’s Art Scholarship Program. This year’s scholarship award recipients will also have their winning artworks on display in the Main Gallery. In the Pastel Studio, Anne has started working on her latest collection. You’re invited take a sneak peek around the corner and see what’s new on the easel this month. Come for some tasty bites and refreshments at this annual fundraising event and visit with friends and the artists from the OPAA. The Sequim Museum has graciously offered the designated parking area on the south side of their building for any overflow parking. Many thanks to the Museum for their generosity! The A. Milligan Art Gallery is located between the Olympic Theatre Arts Center and the Sequim Museum and Arts Center.

La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. features painter Lynne Fearman with uniquely curated gifts and festive treats throughout the shop.

Wild Goddess Brews-n-Bites at 145 E Washington Street Suite D has small bites, salads, dips, and boards. Have a comfy seat and enjoy a wide selection of beverages along with delightful live music with Mercy Buckets from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.
Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street shares the love of reading and offers an eclectic mix of new and vintage books, cards, and gifts including local authors and artists.

At the City of Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, the Sequim Arts Commission presents “To Enlighten, focus on light and shadow” art exhibit on view in the Karen Kuznek-Reese Gallery. The Sequim Arts Commission will also host an Open Music Jam on Friday, January 5 at the Sequim Civic Center from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Members of the public are invited to bring their acoustic instruments and/or voice and join in an informal gathering of people who like to make music. Chairs will be provided.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. has “The Best Of…” as their artists display the favorites of each artist in both 2D and 3D art.
Over the Fence, a destination home and garden store, at 118 E. Washington St. showcases local makers.

From 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. has fabulous live music with OC!
Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.
Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or renneemiko@gmail.com If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!
To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
Please join our Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/sequimartwalk