The February 5 First Friday Art Walk Sequim is cancelled because we are in Phase 1. Even though the Sequim Art Walk is canceled, we can still celebrate our artists, creatives, and culture of Sequim virtually online. Please show your support for local culture and all forms of the Arts by posting on social media networks your creative expression with the #sequimbff hashtag for February.

To have heart, you need art! February’s First Friday Art Walk Sequim embraces RED as the theme color that represents heartfelt forte, vehement affection, driven leadership, active endeavors, and intense jubilation. It is also National Wear Red Day to increase awareness of heart health.

Share your RED or heART themed creations or dress up for #WearRedDay on social media networks and use the hashtag #sequimbff please.
National Wear Red Day is February 5! Wear red to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and save lives.

If you are in town this month, visit Blue Whole Gallery’s exhibit “From the shore to the sea” with featured artists of the month John Bertholl, driftwood sculptor, and Sheri Whestine, glassware artist. The two well-established artists in the region have joined the Blue Whole Gallery recently, and this is their first showcase in the front windows. Their original artwork presents the nature and the spirit of this area in a refreshing manner. The gallery hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Masks and social distancing are required in the gallery.

Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity. Please participate with our creative community this month online at our Facebook Page at utilizing distance socializing. Please stay home, be healthy, and keep creating! We are all in this together! #sequimbff
Even though we cannot meet on the streets of Sequim during this time, we can still support your creative efforts online. Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you!
To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
Please join our Facebook Page