“Leave your worry on the doorstep, Just direct your feet, On the sunny side of the street.” Stroll or dance in the summer sunshine with the yellow theme color for the August Art Walk! Yellow shines brightly like the sun fueling our world with renewing energy and encourages clear, creative communication. The positive intensity of yellow represents expressive enthusiasm, joyful happiness, positive friendships, and empowers collective generosity, goodwill, and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow or cheerful, fun apparel during the Art Walk to celebrate our Sunny Sequim!
First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at SequimArtWalk.com as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.
Special events for August 2:

New Venue on the Art Walk! Harbor Audiology and Hearing Center at 538 N. 5th Avenue hosts members of NOW (North Olympic Watercolorists) including Carol Wilhelm, D.R. Anderson, Shirley Rudolf, Roger Huntley, and Reiko Barclay. Come meet the artists and enter into a raffle for a donated giclée of Seattle’s cityscape.

New Venue on the Art Walk! The Shipley Center at 921 E Hammond St. has an exciting line up of exhibitions and demonstrations of Fine Art including oil, pastel, and watercolors, Fiber Arts, Stitchery, Wood Burning, Driftwood Critters, Art Glass Pieces, and a singing group! They are also providing a $5 meal for before or after the Art Walk.

New Location! Now visit the Sequim Museum and Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue in their new location! Enjoy the “Daring To Defy Ordinary – Three Unique Photographic Perspectives of Nature” exhibition includes Sammy Catiis, Tim Hauf, and Sally M. Harris. See how nature inspired these artists’ viewpoints as you travel the world with Tim, up close with Sammy, and visit “The Bird Zone” with Sally. Al Harris will be providing the live music during the reception.

The City of Sequim and the City Arts Advisory Commission invite the public to a Block Party on the Civic Center Plaza at 152 W. Cedar Street from 5:00 to 9:30 PM. The Party will kick off with a Flash Mob in the Civic Center Plaza at 5:15 p.m. by the Zumba Sisters! Live music starts at 5:30 with the high-energy and easy going sounds of Bread & Gravy, followed by the unique blend of folk and rock by Quilcene musician, Kalan Wolfe at 6:30 PM, and then the compelling mix of eclectic rhythm and blues of Locos Only from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. There will also be rock painting for kids, and a live painting by local artist, Craig Robinson during the concerts. Cedars at Dungeness will provide a beer and wine garden throughout the evening and visitors are encouraged to bring your own chair and picnic on the plaza during the event.

Be sure to enjoy “The Beach” art exhibit inside the Civic Center featuring artists Lora Armstrong, Lynne Armstrong, Gary Bullock, Jane Burkey, Jeannine Chappell, Patrick D. Clark, Gdane Curposney, Melissa Doyel, Christopher Enges, Marilynn Evans, Cindy Fullwiler, John Gussman, Paulette Hill, Rick Hill, David Johannessohn, Mark Kennedy, Rita Kepner, Katherine Loveland, Melissa Mann, Natalie Martin, Stacey Martin-Lopez, Linda Martz, Gail McLain, Sharman Owings, Sallie Radock, Claudia Serafin, Linda Stadtmiller, Morgan Stephenson, Ryoko Toyama, Patty Waite, Donna Wilson-Sommer, and Sandy Wolf.

Brad and Kelly Griffith will open their historic home, Sequim’s first creamery in 1914, at 311 W Turnhere Road to share their studios and passions. Brad, of Sequim Community Makerspace, will share his enthusiasm and secrets for wood bending of all kinds. His knowledge and creations are sure to inspire. Kelly will have jewelry available from THISTLE and will also be available to share her first published book on life after loss, “After Words: cultivating peace, purpose and beauty in the aftermath of tragedy.” Stop by to share conversation and refreshments!

Olympic Theatre Arts at 414 N Sequim Avenue hosts live music with Kayohti starting at 5:30 PM in the Gathering Hall. Kayohti is a four piece band of guitar, keyboard, bass, and drums composed of some of the most experienced players on the Olympic Peninsula. Featuring Jim Charlier on bass and vocals, Mark Schecter on keyboards and vocals, Terry Smith on drums, and Mike Pace on guitar and vocals, Kayohti plays both originals and uniquely interpreted covers. You can expect to hear anything, from Albert King, to The Meters, The Neville Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Steely Dan, and Little Feat. It’s all about dancing. First Friday at OTA is always free to the public, where the snack and beverage bar will be open.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features the gallery’s veteran artist Lynne Armstrong and welcoming a new face, Deborah Harrison, who is a glass-water sculptor. Lynne’s exhibit includes ‘The Beach Series’ of acrylic paintings, while Deborah presents water-sculptures collectively titled ‘The Dance of Water and Light.’ Lynne Armstrong states, “I am privileged as an artist to live where the land meets the sea. It is a place of great spiritual significance. I completed a Masters degree in Fine Arts in Painting at Cornell University and a Masters in Art History at Stanford. For one year I was a student at the Academia de Belle Arte in Florence, Italy, before completing my comprehensive examinations for a Ph.D. in Art History at Stanford. I have taught art in college, high school and elementary school. I work in the mediums of watercolor, oil, acrylic, and clay.” Deborah Harrison states, “Ever since I was a small child, I have been mesmerized by the play of water and light. Recently I have learned that just gazing upon the water, and listening to its sound, helps quiet the mind and calm the nervous system. I wonder if perhaps that is why I have always been so captivated by it.” Her artwork highlights the beauty of light and water. Incorporating Sacred Geometry into her designs, these unique sculptures feature flowing water as their central element. The fountains—which she calls “Watersculptures”—are made of marble and natural stone, stained glass, and ceramic, and are illuminated from within. Her latest pieces do not incorporate water, but are made with multiple layers of a unique stained glass called “waterglass”. With its gentle rippling undulations, waterglass gives the impression of gazing into a watery realm. When the waterglass is illuminated by natural light, it comes to life. For this reason, Deborah recommends they be placed on a windowsill.

Pondicherri at 119 E Washington St. is hosting artist Patty Waite and her photo-based mixed media artwork involves equal parts digital art and hands-on creativity in the studio. She creates designs that acts as inspiration, encouragement and empowerment using found and recycled materials. Also, henna artist Ellie Curtis will be creating all natural henna tattoos. Light bites and refreshments provided. 20% off all Pondicherri products for wearing the month’s theme color: YELLOW!
Design2Scan3D at 207 W Spruce St. which features Sequim featuring 3D printing, 3D scanning, and ceramics classes. For August Art Walk, local Port Angeles author, Louise Lenahan Wallace will do two readings from her books. At 6:00 PM, she will read from her first book, “Length of Days”, which starts us out in Ohio during the outbreak of the Civil War. At 7:00 PM, she will read from, “The Longing of the Day”, which takes place on a ranch in the Wyoming Territory. Both readings will be approximately 5-10 minutes each. Design2Scan3D will also be displaying a 3D print of the bonsai project that was scanned at the July Art Walk.
Check out local artists and craftspeople at the Sequim Farmers Market showcase at Centennial Place on the corner of 100 E Washington St. and Sequim Ave.
The Bag Ladies of Sequim at 161 W Washington St. has added several unique new artists including Elvina Taylor who creates ceramic birdhouses and colorful votive shrines, Gloria Hancock who paints wine glasses with cheery images of lavender and birds. Also, Julie Taylor has handwoven wool socks and fingerless gloves, Kelly St. Clairs acrylic paintings, and Valerie Stevens ceramic tiles with hand-painted mermaids, octopus, and etc.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. hosts the harmonious live music of Nightingale with Donna and Mary. Also enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits at Wind Rose.
Rainshadow Cafe at 157 W Cedar St. has live music with “Mixed Company” who are a local husband and wife team and friends who enjoy making music together and know how to get toes tapping. The music they play is a mix of old-time favorite bluegrass, Irish tunes, a few Texas two-step favorites, a sprinkling of vintage soft rock/folk with a “Mixed Company” twist, as well as some spicy Cajun samplings. David Herrera plays mandolin, having played with several groups locally, entertaining friends for a number of years. Bob Warner, on guitar, comes to “Mixed Company” from Olympia and time playing with a blues band. Jon Faverty has played fiddle for decades, formerly playing professionally in south Florida. Jon’s wife, Karen Faverty, rounds out the sound with a bass line, played on a Kala U-bass. You’re bound to go away from a performance with a song in your heart!
Special event during the Sequim Art Walk! “A Glimpse Inside Keith’s Frame of Mind” with photographer Keith Ross at Decorate with Panache at 154 W Washington St.
Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or renne@uniqueasyou.com If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!
To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
Please join our Facebook Page at facebook.com/sequimartwalk
Thank you very much!