2018 Whodunnit Downtown? “The Case of the Silver Lining Secret Formula” during the January 5 First Friday Art Walk Sequim!
The story is set in 1956. At the community rally to announce Dr. Sean Steel’s “Silver Lining Secret Formula” discovery, the police instead announce the doctor’s lab has been ransacked and the chemist is missing. Not only is Dr. Steel missing, but the notebook containing the “Secret Formula”. Who has absconded with the notebook? Where is the chemist? What is the “Silver Lining Secret Formula”?
For fun, visitors and sleuths are encouraged, not required, to dress in our themed colors of silver, black, and white, as well as, in 50’s era attire.
January 6 Art Walk Color Theme is SILVER with hints of black and white to celebrate the New Year filled with hopefulness, reflection, and idealistic aims for the future. The sparkly color of silver represents optimism, comprehensive courage, untarnished resilience, shimmering mindfulness, honorable dedication, imaginative aspirations, and far future forethought. To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly color themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it.
First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at SequimArtWalk.com as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.
Initiated in 2006, this encouraging and educational arts event is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock.
Special events for January 6:
Necklace by Hope Jacobus
Heather Creek at 122 W Washington St. is showcasing artist Hope Jacobus and her “Industrial Chic” Torch Fire Jewelry. Hope states “I love watching a bead I am making immerge from the torch flame.”
Priscilla Patterson singing at Sequim Spice and Tea
Singer and artist Priscilla Patterson is performing at Sequim Spice and Tea 139 W Washington St. Along with her paintings, Priscilla is showcasing songs from her new CD “Wonderful World!”
“Be U” by Cindy Kern
Sequim’s Sunshine Café hosts photographer and jeweler Cindy Kern for the Art Walk at 135 W Washington St. Cindy was raised in rural Montana on a farm and ranch nestled beneath the Pryor Mountains. Now residing in Sequim, she loves to explore everything from the mountains to the ocean, with a camera always around her neck. She earned a BA in Film and Photography at Montana State University and a minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
Raku by Nancy Lawrence, sumi-e by Ryoko Toyama, necklace by Kathy Schreiner
In celebration of the New Year, the Blue Whole Gallery presents a group show titled “Back to Basics: Black and White” at 129 W Washington St. Curated by Nancy Lawrence and Karin Anderson, this show reveals the challenge presented when limiting the palette. The bold graphic punch of black and white that stimulates and sharpens the mind is modified by soft tones of grey, which lull one into a reflective meditative mood. This dichotomy asks, what is going on here.
The Sequim Museum & Arts at 175 West Cedar St. has shiny motorcycles with artworks by Skip Kratzer, including a motorcycle that he skillfully pinstriped.
The City of Sequim and the City Arts Advisory Commission Reception for “Fused, Stained and Fired…all things glass” exhibition opens at 5:00 PM at the Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar Street. This exhibition includes demonstrations by Millie Harrell with an informal class on her stained glass process at 5:00, Lizbeth Harper will show the four stages a piece of glass goes through from raw glass to finished design at 5:30, and Joanna Hays will demonstrate her process for creating glass beads at 6:00.
Olympic Theatre Arts at 414 N Sequim Ave. hosts Twelfth Night Revelry a staged reading of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night (Or What You Will). You can join the entertainment if you wish and dress the part for a romping Renaissance Reading of the Bard on at 7:00 PM.
We are sorry to say that the “Whodunnit Downtown?” event will not be held this January 6, 2017. There were some details that we weren’t able to work out in time to pull the event together this year, but we are hopeful to revive it in 2018. Thank you for your amazing support of this fun community event during the First Friday Art Walk Sequim! More mysteries to come for sure!
To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360.460.3023 or renne@uniqueasyou.com If you are an artist of any media on the Art Walk, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities.
We are sorry to say that the “Whodunnit Downtown?” event will not be held this January 6, 2017. There were some details that we weren’t able to work out in time to pull the event together this year, but we are hopeful to revive it in 2018.
Thank you for your amazing support of this fun community event during the First Friday Art Walk Sequim! More mysteries to come for sure!
Please still join us for the Silver Themed January 6 First Friday Art Walk Sequim to celebrate the new year with art, music, and our sparkly community!
December 2 Art Walk Color Theme is GOLD and all that glitters! Gold is the color of our star Sol as we celebrate the Winter Solstice and the return of the sun during December. The bright, shiny color of gold represents rekindled optimism, kindhearted deeds, admiration, warm festivities, wealth, and lifelong relationships. As you enjoy an evening on the town with family, friends, and guests who join our welcoming community, you will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of gold or glittery interpretations of this festive time of year to celebrate illumination, harmony, and hope.
First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at www.sequimartwalk.com as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.
This encouraging and educational arts event is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock.
Special events on December 2:
At 5:00 PM, City of Sequim and the City Arts Advisory Commission Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony and Reception at the Sequim Civic Center, located at 152 W. Cedar Street. The holiday tree will be decorated with ornaments created by local 4th grade students on the theme of “What Sequim Means to Me.” Meet the Sugar Plum Fairy, her prince, and members of the Arabian and Spanish dancers, as the Sequim Ballet performs excerpts from their upcoming performance of the “Nutcracker.”
“West Coast Sea Glass Necklaces” by Mary Beth Beuke“lavender currents spectrum scarves” bye Renne Emiko Brock“Penny Lane Quilts Placemats” by Marla Varner“Just Hanging Around” by Jean Wyatt
The Opulent Evening Art Show is a collaborative arts showcase and sale of extraordinary creations by artists Mary Beth Beuke of West Coast Sea Glass, Renne Emiko Brock of unique as you, Marla Varner of Penny Lane Quilts, and Jean Wyatt of J Wyatt Art at That Takes the Cake at 171 W Washington St. Discover quality treasures and gifts like accessories, art apparel, books, fine art, handmade journals, home décor, and sea glass jewelry. Mary Beth creates high quality, fine silver art-jewelry that features the world’s rarest sea glass pieces in every color and her book “The Ultimate Guide to Sea Glass” has been on one of Amazon’s “best seller” lists. Renne produces goods and gear for the superhero in us all embracing the empowerment of brilliant hues, individualism, and acceptance. Marla stiches colorful, unique, quilted home decor items using quality materials, hand dyed fabrics, and expert craftsmanship. Jean makes colorful, acrylic paintings, colored pencil artwork, and handmade journals that are fun, whimsical, unusual, and often a little off-beat.
“Lost Footbridge” by Cindy Kern
Sequim’s Sunshine Café hosts photographer Cindy Kern for the Art Walk at 135 W Washington St. Cindy was raised in rural Montana on a farm and ranch nestled beneath the Pryor Mountains. Now residing in Sequim, she loves to explore everything from the mountains to the ocean, with a camera always around her neck. She earned a BA in Film and Photography at Montana State University and a minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
“Wonderful World” by Priscilla Patterson
Singer and artist Priscilla Patterson is performing at Sequim Spice and Tea 139 W Washington St. And, Priscilla is showcasing songs from her new CD “Wonderful World!”
The Sequim Museum & Arts at 175 West Cedar St. has “Childhood Memories” an exhibition of children’s gifts for Christmas.
Find handmade gifts at Cedarbrook Lavender where you can learn how to use lavender in art and cooking at 134 1/2 W Washington St.
“Sequim Bay” by Deb Sterk“Magi” by Nancy Lawrence
To celebrate the holiday season with the community, the Blue Whole Gallery offers the Annual Holiday Group Show at 129 W Washington St. The Gift Gallery has a selection of ornaments, jewelry, fiber art, fused glass, ceramics, paintings, photography, sculptures of wood, gourds and drift wood.
Olympic Theatre Arts welcomes the clarinet quartet “Toot Sweet” performing 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. The group will be decked out in Victorian attire and will pay tribute to the holidays with seasonal and Christmas music. “Toot Sweet” includes 3 Bb clarinets, Nancy Peterson, Mark Holman, and Jan Proebstel, plus a bass clarinet, Vicky Blakesley. According to ensemble member Blakesley the performance will feature lively music from various styles and across several eras. “A dance theme will run throughout the evening, so you will be able tap your toes to a Joplin rag or a Strauss polka. Olympic Theatre Arts at 414 N Sequim Ave. will open its doors at 5:00 p.m. with beverage and snack bar available.
The Bag Ladies of Sequim at 167 W Washington St. shines with up-cycled items for a new purpose with an artful twist. All of their creations are one of a kind items that are handmade and artists’ works are for sale in their shop.
“Salt Creek” by Irene Loghry
Paintings and pastels by Irene Loghry are on display at 1st Security Bank at 114 S Sequim Ave. artist’s reception from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.
Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. hosts Joy In Mudville, a rock/folk band out of Port Angeles, with Jason Mogi on Banjo, Kim Trenerry on guitar, and Paul Stehr-Green on bass. Along with this mixture of tunes from 60s and 70s, enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits.
Set in the 50’s, mark your calendar for the Annual Whodunnit Downtown “The Case of the Silver Lining Secret Formula” during the January 6, 2017 First Friday Art Walk!
To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360.460.3023 or renne@uniqueasyou.com If you are an artist of any media on the Art Walk, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities.
Pirate Peggy Preston, rookie sailor to Silverbeard and cousin of Philomena Logan
“Whodunnit Downtown?” It was Pirate Peggy Preston! That’s who traveled back in time and stole Captain C.R. Silverbeard’s Chrome Key for his silver treasure chest to help her cousin! She was the red lipstick wearing student of Professor Hattie Hallmark. That pair of heirloom earrings from her distant cousin let her go through the Wells’ time portal and bring pirates to Sequim.
Kelly Olson of Sequim picked her and won the big prize! Thank you everyone for playing tonight!
Fourth Annual “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Chrome Key” suspects
January 8 Art Walk Color Theme is SILVER with hints of black and white to celebrate the New Year filled with hope, reflection, and idealistic goals for the future. The sparkly color of silver represents shimmering mindfulness, untarnished resilience, imaginative aspirations, revolutionary receptiveness, honorable dedication, and skyward modernism. To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly color themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it.
First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at SequimArtWalk.com as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.
Initiated in 2006, this encouraging and educational arts event is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond.
Special events for January 8:
The Sequim-Dungness Valley Chamber Merchant Group and First Friday Art Walk Sequim presents the Fourth Annual “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Chrome Key” Mystery Game for a fun-filled evening as we step back in time into the 1940’s to collect the clues about the suspects who have fallen through time travel gateways and solve the crime to win a big prize.
The story is set in 1946, the Atomic Age emerged and by chance temporal portals through time and alternative universes opened in Sequim. Pirate Captain C. R. Silverbeard’s locked silver chest was found in a farmhouse overlooking the City of Sequim and Strait of Juan De Fuca. The chest from the past became a shiny curio on display at a local spice and tea shop. The treasure chest can only be opened by Silverbeard’s Chrome Key stolen from him in 1776. Treasure hunting adventurers and pirates from the present, past, and Neo-Victorian times will gather in Sequim this January 8th evening to reveal who stole the Chrome Key that unlocks this pirate plunder.
Adventure around the Art Walk venues to mingle with the suspects in our mystery game and discover why they might have Captain C. R. Silverbeard’s Chrome Key starting at 5 PM. You can solve this crime that crosses time and space by finding clues at these local businesses: A Dropped Stitch at 136 S 2nd Ave., Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St., BrokersGroup Real Estate at 219 W Washington St., Cedarbrook Lavender Farm Shop at 134 1/2 W Washington St., Hart’s Fine Books 161 W Washington St., Local Yarn Shop at 213 E Washington St., Mia Bella at 130A N 3rd Ave., Museum & Arts Center at 175 W Cedar St., Olympic Lavender Co. at 120 W Washington St., Purple Haze Lavender Shop at 127 W Washington St., R & T Crystals ‘n’ Beads at 158 E Bell St., Sequim Spice and Tea 139 W Washington St., Solar City at 135 W Washington St., That Takes the Cake at 171 W Washington St., and Wind Rose Winery at 143 W Washington St.
Can you solve this mystery? Fill out your game card, enter it at Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St., and be part of the prize drawing for the correct answer at 7:30 PM. No purchase necessary. Must be 21+ to win. Need not be present to win. Winner drawn by random and prizes donated by local Sequim Businesses. The first game card drawn with the correct answer wins the big prize of treasured and educational experiences including a Two Night Stay at the Seaview Vacation Rental from Cedarbrook Lavender and Herb Farm, One Cake Decorating Class from That Takes The Cake, A Knitting Class from A Dropped Stitch, Two tickets + T-Shirts to Purple Haze Daze from Purple Haze Lavender Farm, 30 Minute One-On-One Class with MacTraders, “Sequim~Dungeness Valley” by Katherine Vollenweider from the Museum & Arts Center, sea glass earrings of historic cobalt blue in sterling silver from West Coast Sea Glass, and more!
The Big Prize includes a Two Night Stay at the Seaview Vacation Rental from Cedarbrook Lavender and Herb Farm
Sea glass earrings of historic cobalt blue in sterling silver from West Coast Sea Glass
Visitors and sleuths to the “Whodunnit Downtown?” and Sequim Art Walk are encouraged to dress in our themed colors of silver, black, and white, as well as, in 40’s era, steampunk, or in pirate garb. It is not required, but dressing up makes the evening more fun and festive.
A new Three Dimensional Sculpture Exhibit presented by the City Arts Advisory Commission is in the Sequim Civic Center lobby at 152 W Cedar St. The exhibit includes 19 pieces of artwork in a variety of medium that were created by 12 local artists.
“Sequim~Dungeness Valley” by Katherine Vollenweider
Museum & Arts Center at 175 W Cedar St. has a special preview and book signing with author Katherine Vollenweider for her book “Sequim~Dungeness Valley” with all proceeds being donated to the Sequim Museum.
“Good Night John Boy” by Joyce Volmut“Game Show” by Karin Anderson
Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. opens the New Year with a special group show of wood artisans titled “Woodn’t It Be Amazing!” Carved, turned, painted and reclaimed wood is the highlight of this show. Karin Anderson and Bud Bowling demonstrate a touch of whimsy in their recycled wood assemblage; Christian Speidel, creates out of this world, highly polished orbs, while Carl Baker focuses on unique heritage; Joyce Volmut invites viewers to her exquisitely detailed world of birds; David Tinsley’s human sized driftwood sculpture comes to life; while Debbie Cain’s carved gourd art delivers delicate images of nature. Together, these seven wood artisans will showcase original pieces in the gallery’s front windows, capturing the beauty and versatility of wood and connecting the community to trees and plants, symbols of our Pacific Northwest.
Live Celtic folk music with Mary Tulin with award winning artfully crafted wines at Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St.
A Dropped Stitch at 136 S 2nd Ave. you learn something new at their free drop in knitting and felting classes during the Art Walk! A Dropped Stitch showcases local fiber artists and instructors in a shop full of amazing fiber, yarn, and classes for gifts and a lifetime of creative enjoyment.
Hart’s Fine Books presents Trent LaCour on piano at 161 W Washington St.
Cedarbrook Lavender Shop at 134 1/2 W Washington St. celebrates the New Year with everything in the shop 15% off with treats and hot tea.
Mia Bella at 130A N 3rd Ave. features art by George Zien, Pat Gordon, Pam Kauffman, Pricilla Patterson, Brim Leal, J.P Lee, and Josh ‘Yeti” Wright.
R&T Crystals and Beads jewelry demonstration
R&T Crystals and Beads has fine jewelry demonstrations from Paulette Hill and Gail McLain at 158 E Bell St.
Local Yarn Shop at 213 E Washington St. has live music with the Chip Dixon Band and a Navajo spindle spinning demonstration.
Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. displays Craig Robinson’s delightful hand painted furniture and try a sample of their seasonal teas and spice mixes.
Olympic Lavender Co. at 120 W Washington St. is featuring TERRI JONES Watercolors and their own USDA Certified Organic lavender farm products.
That Takes the Cake creates colorful and unique cupcakes and cakes that are works of art at 171 W Washington St.
Inspire art in the young with creative books, supplies, and toys at Dungeness Kids Co. at 163 W. Washington St.
Enjoy these venues during the First Friday Art Walk including Olympic Theatre Arts (OTA) at 414 N. Sequim Ave., Alder Wood Bistro at 139 W Alder St., Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Ave., Nourish at 1345 S Sequim Ave. South of HY101, Heather Creek at 122 W Washington St., Rainshadow Roasting Company at 157 W Cedar St., Galare Thai at 120 W Bell, Solar City’s Tesa Boutique & Tanning Retreat at 135 W Washington St., Fieldnotes at 123 E Washington St., and Sequim’s Sunshine Café at 145 W Washington St.
To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.
Thank you for your support and if you want to learn more or find out how you can participate on the First Friday Art Walk Sequim, please contact Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond at 360.460.3023 or renne@uniqueasyou.com
January 8, 2016 “Whodunnit Downtown?” Mystery Game Preview Poster
Silver Themed First Friday Art Walk Sequim and “Whodunnit Downtown?” – The Case of the Chrome Key Mystery Game on January 8, 2016
Collect the clues about the suspects who have fallen through time travel gateways to solve the Mystery Game “Whodunnit Downtown? – The Case of the Chrome Key” on January 8, 2016 during the Sequim Art Walk. Due to the First Friday Art Walk Sequim falling on New Year’s Day, the Art Walk has been shifted to January 8 for this month only.
The story is in 1946, the Atomic Age emerged and by chance temporal portals through time and alternative universes opened in Sequim. Pirate Captain C. R. Silverbeard’s locked silver chest was found in a farmhouse overlooking the City of Sequim and Strait of Juan De Fuca. The chest from the past became a shiny curio on display at a local spice and tea shop. The treasure chest can only be opened by Silverbeard’s Chrome Key stolen from him in 1776. Treasure hunting adventurers and pirates from the present, past, and Neo-Victorian times will gather in Sequim this January 8th evening to reveal who stole the Chrome Key that unlocks this pirate plunder.
Adventure around the Art Walk venues to mingle with the suspects in our mystery game and discover why they might have Captain C. R. Silverbeard’s Chrome Key starting at 5 PM. You can solve this crime that crosses time and space. Fill out your game card, enter it at Sequim Spice and Tea at 121 W Washington St., and be part of the prize drawing for the correct answer at 7:30 PM. The first game card with the correct answer wins the big prize of treasured and educational experiences including a Seaview Vacation Rental Stay from Cedarbrook Lavender and Herb Farm. Visitors and sleuths to the Sequim Art Walk are encouraged to dress in our themed colors of silver, black, and white, as well as, in 40’s era, steampunk, or in pirate garb. It is not required, but dressing up makes the evening more fun and festive.
The Sequim-Dungness Valley Chamber Merchant Group and First Friday Art Walk Sequim Presents this fun-filled evening as we step back in time into the 1940’s and search for the answer to the question, “Whodunnit Downtown?”
2015 “Whodunnit Downtown?” Suspects and Art Walk Creator from “The Curious Case of the Kidnapped Cat” at Hart’s Fine Books