Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Spices Up an Evening of Art

Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Spices Up an Evening of Art

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

October 4, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us of cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special Events for October 4:

Explore the 19th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival fiber arts exhibition “Sublime Marvel – Splendor, Enterprise, & Awe” at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue, Sequim WA. During the Art Walk reception, many fiber artists and fiber arts advocates will be demonstrating their passion and artistry. “Sublime Marvel – Splendor, Enterprise, & Awe” artists include Lora Armstrong, Aaron Asselin, Renne Emiko Brock, Jordan Carter, Caroline Evergreen, Liisa Fagerlund, Mary Lou Giacomelli, Lynn Gilles, Jennifer Harris, Estelle Jackson, Connie McGuire, Robin Nelson, Sew `n Sews, Marla Varner, Prabha Werner, and Jean Wyatt.

“Catching the Splash” by Prabha Werner

The exhibition’s theme supports the enrapturing beauty and inspiring awe of inclusive, fostering fiber mediums that motivate earth-moving collaboration, and build super friendships to create opportunities to learn, exhibit, and potentially build small businesses. Admiration of toil and talent cultivates the evolution of excellence within one’s personal journey, learning and expressing themselves uniquely while being supportive of the efforts of fellow artists. Striving for wonder and encouragement, we celebrate fiber artists who boldly share their art with courage and fortitude, open to both copying and constructive criticism. Their hero’s arc includes the strength of inquisitiveness, leading to the surprising beauty of growing imagination and the capability to compose original creations using fused fibers, artistic adventures, and superpowers for good.

The festival includes the First Friday Art Walk Sequim Reception on October 4 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM with fiber arts demonstrations and sales and on Saturday, October 5 with another opening reception 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

The 19th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is an opportunity to experience positive inclusion, creative expression, encouraged education, the economic enterprise of art, and fostering fiber arts.

The A. Milligan Art Studio & Gallery at 520 N. Sequim Avenue is full of colorful original paintings of area artists, Suzan Noyes joins artist and gallery owner Anne Milligan in the Main Gallery this month. Many of you have enjoyed Suzan’s scenic paintings onstage at the Olympic Theatre Arts Center in Sequim, but that’s only a small sample of her artistic abilities. Suzan has worked in the advertising world as a colorist and illustrator; and as a muralist with her works adorning various city walls. Her fine artwork has been exhibited in numerous solo shows and juried exhibitions over the past forty years. She most enjoys painting natural subjects such as trees, foliage, florals, landscapes and seascapes. Suzan says, “Nature attracts me with ever-changing lights and darks, these lend drama to simple views. The texture of bark and play of sun on leaf and water always stops me for a sketch or photographs. Back in my studio, one vignette will stand out, make me grab my pastels – this is what I love sharing with others.”

Anne has had her fingers immersed in art and design since she could wield a crayon. After studying fashion design in New York City, she went on to design costumes for avante garde off-off Broadway productions. She’s etched commissioned works into granite with diamond scribes; and created plans for highly functional cabinetry as an interior designer. During several years of traveling, she painted commissioned portraits on her laptop before finally landing in her current studio in Sequim. An award-winning artist, her paintings have been juried into regional and international exhibitions, and her works hang in private collections across the country and in Europe. Anne says,” When I paint, I’m trying to capture that ethereal breath that brings life to the canvas and makes it more than just the painting itself. For me, the measure of a successful painting is a smile, a laugh, a look that conveys a sense of familiarity, of connection. It’s that signal from the viewer that, through this silent language, my painting has spoken to them.”

These two seasoned artists have very different approaches to painting in the pastel medium and this exhibit showcases their own unique styles and hand. Often a misunderstood medium, “pastel” refers to the form of the paint (in this case a dry, solid pigment) as opposed to the colors of the painting itself. It’s a versatile medium and can be used as a drawing tool or like a paint brush; wet or dry, and in combination with watercolor, ink, or acrylic paint, to name but a few.

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. has the show Bright and Beautiful featuring Terri Biondolino, Jeff Considine, Laura Moore, Nancy Peet, Shayna Robnett, and Randy Tierney. What do an environmental specialist, a CPA, a dentist, a mother, an animal shelter cofounder, and a product development specialist all have in common? They all recently joined Blue Whole Gallery as artists.

Their art is as diverse as their former and, in one case, current careers. They all share a passion for beauty, color and of course art. Nancy Peet, Shayna Robnett and Randy Tierney are all painters. Nancy is a watercolorist focusing on bright florals. Shayna’s art reflects her love of the Peninsula in landscape oils.

Randy’s work is based in the Sumi painting style and tradition. Terri Biondolino’s expertise is centered in a challenging form of porcelain, specifically colored clay known as Nerikomi. Jeff Considine designs and creates unique wooden boxes. Laura Moore uses everything she sees in nature to design and create her jewelry.

Get Spicy! Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. has unique art including glass, pottery, illustration, and photography of local artists. You can also find artful, creative tea blends, colorful and fun teapots and cups, and cheerful culinary gifts.

Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington Street features David Rogers of Maddie’s Mushrooms. The farm grows and propagates gourmet mushrooms available at local farmer’s market and served at restaurants around the Olympic Peninsula. Come by and chat with David about the upcoming Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival, October 17-20.

Pacific Mist Books at 122 West Washington Street hosts horror author, book editor, and creative podcaster Clay Vermulm. The bookstore features copies of Clay’s debut novella, Crevasse, his short story collection Blue Rare, and two collections of short stories edited by Clay! Pacific Mist Books shares the love of reading and offers an eclectic mix of new and vintage books, cards, and gifts including local authors and artists.

From 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has live music with Dawn & Steve. Come sing your favorite songs with a full menu and drinks to enjoy. Some dancing is encouraged too.

La Petite Maison Blanche at 213 E Washington St. features artwork, uniquely curated gifts, treats throughout the shop, and culinary goodies to add zest to your life.

Sofie’s Flowers is now at 127 W Washington St. with artful blooms, delightful home décor, and local artists’ creations.

Over the Fence, a destination home and garden store, at 118 E. Washington St. is hosting one of their local makers.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines and appetizing tidbits.

Soup in the Alley at 138 W Washington features a rotation of local artists, live music, and treats.

Alder Wood Bistro at 139 W Alder St. has artisan wood-fired local, seasonal, organic food in the heart of Sequim.

Locally created gifts don Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has charming farm fresh lavender creations, treats, and inspired vintage décor items.

Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Avenue is open until 7:00 PM and hosts a rotation of local artists.

The River House Bakery & Cafe at 120 W. Bell Street hosts local artists with delicious food and bakery items.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

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Orange Fiber Art "LAVA DREAMS" by Donna Lee Dowdney

Celebrating 15 Years, October 1 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Welcomes Fall Warmly with Orange Theme

Celebrating 15 years of art and inclusion! October 1 Art Walk Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art.

Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

The First Friday Art Walk Sequim has returned while respecting the Covid health and wellness guidelines of masks, social distancing, and limited capacity. Please enjoy the Arts and Culture of Sequim safely. We are starting out small. Not all venues are open fully with the slow start of the return of the evening activities of Sequim Art Walk, so please visit them when they are open.

Special Events for October 1:

"The Covid Corvid" by Peggy St. George
“The Covid Corvid” by Peggy St. George

Celebrating our 16h year of the North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival, enjoy the “Bumblebunching – Warped, Twisted, & Imperfect” Opening Reception of the fiber arts exhibition which runs October 1 to November 27, 2021 at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Avenue.

“The Quietude of Thrums” by Estelle Jackson

This juried fiber arts exhibition celebrating happy accidents, successful satisfaction in Wabi-Sabi, and unintended artistic experiences that often lead to evolutionary forms of expression and joyful acceptance that experimentation is part of one’s art practice. Fiber Artists yearn for thorough planning and tight intention, gratification in challenging practice, and ritual appreciation and amusement in transience and incomplete mistakes. Bumblebunching are the exuberant jumbled loops created by the bobbin when stitching has improper tension while machine sewing.

“At the Junction” by Marla Varner

“Bumblebunching” exhibition artists include Lynn Baritelle, Honey Bliss, Renne Emiko Brock, Donna Lee Dowdney, Liisa Fagerlund, Susanne Foster, Peggy St. George, Leslie Hoex, Estelle Jackson, Susan Kroll, Jacki Moseley, Kelly Ruth, Susan Savage, Gloria Skovronsky, Marla Varner, and Jean Wyatt.

More Details about the October 1 -3 North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival at

From 5:00 to 7:30 PM, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County’s Sequim Habitat Boutique Store at 213 E Washington St. is having their “Sooner or Ladder Art Auction” to support their mission of affordable housing. Admission is free! Live Music by The OG and featuring paintings by local artist and Sequim Art Council member, Craig Robinson!

“Blaze Maple” by Suzan Noyes
“Looks Fishy” by Dennis Pangborn

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features “Season of the harvest” with Suzan Noyes and Dennis (Doc) Pangborn. Both are well-established painters, known for their artwork closely associated with nature. Members of the gallery welcome the community to the new exhibit filled with autumn color and inspiration. Suzan Noyes shares, “As an artist, I enjoy using pastels and acrylics to capture favorite subjects – like trees. If my work has you climbing some branches, shades you along a forest or river walk, or catches your eye with leafy color, I’ve painted the right tree for the job. Weathered bones of old vehicles and buildings also catch my eye – all those angles.” Dennis (Doc) Pangborn states,“Being a recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest, I am daily struck by the beauty and diversity of the animal and plant kingdom here. Using my palette knives and brushes, I try to bring to the canvas my interpretation of God’s amazing creativity. Having seen so many beautiful gardens, flowers, and lavender farms in the area, I’ve been inspired to dip my toes into the world of impressionist-style florals and landscapes. I also like to experiment with biomorphic shapes and multiple perspectives points in my abstract paintings.”

Cedarbrook Lavender Gift Shop at 120 W Washington Street has delightful farm fresh lavender creations, treats, locally created gifts, and inspired vintage décor items.

A Stitch in Time Quilt Shoppe at 225 E Washington St. will display local quilters’ work that corresponds with the monthly color theme. A Stitch in Time encourages people, if they have a quilt they made that coincides with the color designated for the Art Walk, to drop them off at their shop the day of the walk with their label and info attached to their quilt.

Kevin Tracy Wealth Management at 149 W Washington St. is displaying local watercolorists of Beverly Beighle, Connie Drysdale, Melissa Doyel, Barb Falk-Diekfuss, Wendy Goldberg, Roger Huntley, Cecilia Hillway, Allyne Lawson, Jerri Moore, Shirley Rudolf, and Carol Wilhelm.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. enjoy award winning artfully crafted wines, appetizing tidbits, and hosts local artists.

Rainshadow Café at 157 West Cedar Street has lots of seating outside and inside with a full menu and drinks to enjoy.

Sequim Spice and Tea
Sequim Spice and Tea always decorates their front windows to match the Sequim Art Walk Color Theme! Thank you very much!

Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. is open until 8:00 PM with creative tea blends, colorful and fun tea pots and cups, and many more culinary gifts.

Hoffman and Miller rehearsing the arrival of Hoffman’s troublemaking character.

At 414 N. Sequim Ave., Olympic Theatre Arts Center’s comedy production of “A Facility for Living” by Katie Forgette is set to open the community theatre’s 2021-2022 Season on Friday, October 1. Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test less than 72 hours old is required for admittance into the theatre. “To me this is sort of the exciting stage,” said actress Vicki Miller.  “Where everybody knows their lines, all of the blocking is done and now we’re just tweaking things here and there and opening night’s right around the corner.”

“It’s getting a little tense,” said actor Joel Hoffman, playing the newly arrived Joe Taylor who rocks the boat One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest style. “We have to do all the tech and put it all in place but it comes together as it always does.”

One of the pay’s tech components is the “Squawk-Box”, a disembodied voice played over the Facility’s loudspeakers sardonically reminding residents of various policies and events as well as a seemingly never ending schedule of old Ronald Reagan films. Volunteer sound designer David Meissner worked with KPTZ radio DJ Brice Embree and Embree’s wife Debbie to create the recordings, both of whom also volunteer at OTA.

“One reason I really wanted to do the sound design is because the squawk box is like a character itself in the show,” said Meissner. “Sometimes you just hit the doorbell when it’s supposed to ring once in a while and it’s very important, but in this it’s like you’re one of the characters. It’s going to be fun to participate and ‘surf along’ with the actors.”

“It’s going to be a funny show,” said Meissner. “It builds to a very funny climax. And it’s very timely – it pushes buttons and it’s going to make people think.”

“I really look forward to coming here every night,” Miller said. “And not just because the show is funny, which it is, but all the different characters – they’re just so endearing in their own way.”

“A Facility for Living” runs from October 1st to October 17th, 2021. Performance times are Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. A Pay-What-You-Will show for any and all budgets is Thursday, October 14th at 7:30 p.m. and the first two Sunday shows offer a “Talkback” session where audiences can stay after the performance and talk with the cast and crew about the production in an open forum setting.

Tickets to this Main Stage comedy are $18 for the general public, $16 for OTA members, and $12 for students with school identification card, and are available at the theatre box office from 1-4pm, Tuesday through Friday or online at For further information, call the theatre at 360-683-7326.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you for your support!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Orange Fiber Art "LAVA DREAMS" by Donna Lee Dowdney
“LAVA DREAMS” by Donna Lee Dowdney
The Sequim pARTners are leaders, creators, and contributors that learn and work together collaboratively. Silas Crews captured the Sequim pARTners stories to create this film to demonstrate our dedication to support the Arts in our community and each other. Thank you very much! “After many months and some COVID storytelling challenges to overcome, the short film about Sequim arts organizations pivoting over the last year is here. Thank you very much for your participation and patience. It was really touching to see the different themes develop between the all your voices and the overall messages of resilience by each of your organization.” – Silas ©2021 Silas Crews Story Crane Productions 360-207-4270 Learn more about the First Friday Art Walk Sequim at

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Orange Themed October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Full of Fiber, Flight, and Fall Colors

Orange Themed October 4 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Full of Fiber, Flight, and Fall Colors

October 4 Art Walk Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Special Events for October 4:

“Geometry In Textiles” by Betty Cook – red, Nancy Wilcox – orange, Mary Ann Clayton – yellow, Peggy St. George – green, Janet Green – blue, and Anne Davies – purple

The 14th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival, an interactive fiber arts event connecting to the community with activities Oct 4-6, starts at the Sequim Art Walk at the NEW Sequim Museum & Arts at 544 N Sequim Ave. “Irresistible Aesthetics – Beauty, Absorption, & Ideology” is a juried fiber arts exhibition of spellbinding, splendid, and sublime delights for the senses embracing the fascination of working with mesmerizing materials and hypnotic methods. Expressed as satisfyingly subtle to voraciously hedonistic, aesthetics is defined as the perception, appreciation, and creation of what is considered beautiful. Belief systems, color values, and personal philosophy are embedded into the pleasure of creating and experiencing fiber art creations. From utilitarian towels to fancy fluff, attraction and obsession fuel creators to produce exquisite works through time honored techniques and enthusiastic experimentation.

“Night Wave” by Estelle Jackson
“Changing Seasons” by Stan Green

Artists include Carolyn Abbott, Judy Anderson, Lora Armstrong, Lynn Baritelle, Catherine Bilyard-Eagle, Renne Emiko Brock, Mary Ann Clayton, Betty Cook, Anne Davies, Lauralee DeLuca, Liisa Fagerlund, MarySue French, Nona Giersch, Lisa Gilbert, Janet Green, Stan Green, Marilyn Hiestand, Leslie Hoex, Erica Iseminger, Estelle Jackson, Susan Kroll, Gladis C. Marr, Kathy Martin, Donna McMillen, Brianne Moores, Sherry Nagel, Sue Nylander, Ilse Osier-Forrest, Patti Pattison, Jolene Sanborn, Pauline Schultz, Gloria Skovronsky, Peggy St. George, Jan Tatom, Gail Van Horsen, Marla Varner, Linda Wesseler, Nancy K. Wilcox, and Jean Wyatt.

“Noble Rust” by Liisa Fagerlund
“Climate Change Quilt” by Patti Pattison

Discover more about the 14th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival in Sequim WA is October 4 – 6, 2019 at Join us for this interactive fiber arts event connecting to the community with activities like a museum exhibition, workshops, educational demonstrations of fiber processes, hands-on projects with children and adults, Fiber Arts Market of local artists work and fiber supplies, lecture, and information about local fiber activities, groups, businesses, and instructional resources.

Jazzy Judy

Sequim Museum and Arts will feature vocalist Jazzy Judy. A recognized singer, songwriter and author, Judy loves to sing classics in various genres that you will no doubt recognize. Judy has performed in the greater Seattle area for a variety of events and she continues to perform for seasonal functions in Sequim. Come and have fun and bring back some great memories. Several of her CDs will also be available for purchase, proceeds to be donated to the museum.

The Shipley Center at 921 E Hammond St. has an exciting line up of exhibitions and demonstrations of Fine Art including oil, pastel, and watercolors, Fiber Arts, Stitchery, Wood Burning, Driftwood Critters, Art Glass Pieces, and a singing group! They are also providing a $5 meal for before or after the Art Walk.

“Dawning “by Priscilla Patterson
“The Raven’s Attilier Common Raven” by Joyce Volmut

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. features “Wings!” with painter Priscilla Patterson and sculptor Joyce Volmut. Priscilla describes the front windows, “Incorporating the man-made with the natural, we have entered a world where, with birds of the air, we can leave the ground for pleasure, commerce and aid to others.” For more than 30 years, award-winning artist Priscilla Patterson has focused on the field of aviation art. A member of the American Society of Aviation Artists, Canadian Aviation Artists Association, and the Coast Guard and Air Force Art programs, her work is found in numerous collections including the United States Pentagon. In collaboration with Joyce Volmut’s bird carvings for October’s window, the artists decided on a theme of “Wings,” with Patterson adding helicopters to keep with the feeling of flight. Incorporating the man-made with the natural, we have entered a world where, with birds of the air, we can leave the ground for pleasure, commerce and aid to others. To quote Orville Wright, “The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their grueling travels across trackless lands in prehistoric times, looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the air.” Priscilla Patterson has written a book entitled, “Fences: An Illustrated Journey,” created two vocal CDs and also holds a certification in composite drawing for law enforcement. Joyce states, “I originally believed I would only carve the lives of saints but birds took hold of me.  Birds bring people together.  My joy is capturing their moment in time when they show all their spark, their enthusiasm for life and the spectrum of their wonder.”

Rainshadow Cafe at 157 W Cedar St. has live music with Free Rangers 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This duo consisting of Locos Only guitarist/singer/songwriter Kevin Lee Magner and former Pies on the Run member Steve Lopes on bass and mandolin playing music to soothe your soul, rile you up, pluck your your heartstrings, and spin an epic tale, all in a single evening. They tamper with old classics and still stealthily sneak in a few of their own compositions at every opportunity, making for a fun and lively time.

3D Bonsai

Design2Scan3D and Dungeness Chestnuts are teaming up at the Spruce Building, 207 W. Spruce Street in Sequim. Help the farm prepare for their first annual chestnut roast in November by making a stoneware chestnut tasting dish in October—while supplies last. No experience or purchase necessary. Signed waiver required. Dishes will be glazed, kiln-fired and used to serve roasted chestnuts at the Friday, November 1st roast. Individuals may purchase their dish at a discount on day of roast. Check out their collaborations with other artists and authors from past Sequim Art Walk in the studio too. 

“Spring Vinyard in Provence” by Catherine Mix

Local artist and teacher Catherine Mix will have a one woman show at the Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Ave. Catherine states, “I paint in watercolor, pastel, or oil paint to capture the fascinating patterns of light and shadow on a person or an object.  I paint to revel in color and texture, for the satisfaction of solving a complex problem, and for the joy of creating an original work of art. Here on the North Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, we are spoiled for choice with spectacular vistas of mountains, water, forests, fields, gardens, and wildlife and I am always excited to paint these subjects. Much of the work for this show was painted en plein-air which means in the open air.”

“Giraffes in the Paintbox” by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry

The City of Sequim and the City Arts Advisory Commission invite the public to enjoy and participate in their Open Jam – an informal gathering of people who like to make music from 5:30 to 7:30PM at 152 W Cedar St. All acoustic instruments are welcome plus singers, keyboards, practice basses, and other electronic instruments. If you’d like to play certain songs, please bring multiple paper copies of songs or pdf files. Also enjoy the City Arts Advisory Commission (CAAC) for the opening of the “Tie One On” exhibit and artist reception. The artists represented are Lora Armstrong, Nancy Booth, Jane Burkey, Jeannine Chappell, Patrick Clark, Sharon DelaBarre, Leslie Dickson, Penny Dorothy, Marilynn Evans, Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry, Cindy Fullwiler, Fumie Gage, Anne Grasteit, Eva Kozun, Ernie Kozun, Allyne Lawson, Melissa Mann, Bob Martinson, Debra Olson, Priscilla Patterson, Marcedes Perry-Baar, Susan Schneider, Gloria Skovronsky, Ryoko Toyama, and Sandy Wolf. Art Talk on the Art Walk: Organizer, Cherry Bibler, will give an overview of the Olympic Peninsula Wearable Art Show planned for August 1, 2020 at the Sequim Boys and Girls Club. This will be a gala fashion show featuring original designs created by talented artists, seamstresses, or fashionistas. The show will celebrate creativity, encourage recycling, support youth interest and include entries from a variety of niches. Having a long background in sewing as a hobby, Cherry immediately became interested in participating as an artist in the show. Cherry and a small but powerful volunteer group are now spearheading the debut of an Olympic Peninsula Wearable Art Show to benefit the Boys and Girls Club. 

Sequim Library at 630 N Sequim Ave. presents “Ocean Arts” exhibit features the work of regional artists and Seattle band Pearl Django with their Hot Club swing starting at 6:30 PM. Limited copies of The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery will be available, kicking off a month-long Clallam County Reads program featuring the marine science title.  With a performance history spanning more than two decades, Pearl Django endures as one of the most highly regarded Hot Club style groups working today. Although the band’s roots are firmly in the music made famous by Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli, its extensive repertoire includes traditional jazz classics and original compositions.  The band’s signature style is marked by pristine and dexterous string work, colors of Bal Musette, the steady pulse of rhythm guitar and an unmistakable swing that delights audiences of all musical sensibilities. Refreshments will be served and limited library services will be available during this free after-hours event.

Visit Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington St. featuring author Susan Gibbons-Wolf with her book “P.S. Boats Around the Puget Sound”. It is a delightful rhyming, bilingual children’s book about boats with beautiful watercolor illustrations of Pacific Northwest Scenes. Come by, chat with the author and have a booked signed just in time for Christmas.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

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Orange Themed October 5 First Friday Art Walk Heats Up with Influential Fiber Arts and Hot Rocks

Orange Themed October 5 First Friday Art Walk Heats Up with Influential Fiber Arts and Hot Rocks

October 5, 5 – 8 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

October 5 Art Walk Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange inspires optimism and active participation! It is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, and zesty. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. Enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family as you discover together works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors.

This encouraging and educational arts event is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock.

Special activities October 5:

"Byways Number 2" by Marla Varner
“Byways Number 2” by Marla Varner


"Ferrous Scarf" by Erica Iseminger
“Ferrous Scarf” by Erica Iseminger


For the 13th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival, experience the “Transformative Style – Originality, Revolution, & Repute” Opening Reception at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 175 W Cedar St. This juried fiber arts exhibition embracing how attire and fiber artworks reveal our extraordinary spirits in color, action, and intent. All fiberworks that explores how apparel influences and makes a difference in historic consequences, altered narratives, and personal evolution. Worn inspiration and reputation, from sublime costumes to heartfelt heirlooms, authenticates individual esthetics and fuses integrity with fabric, fashion, and fate.


"Fantasy #2" by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry
“Fantasy #2” by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry


"Justified 2018" by Gloria B. Skovronsky
“Justified 2018” by Gloria B. Skovronsky

“Transformative Style” exhibition artists include Carolyn Abbott, Lora Armstrong, Aleta Lynn Baritelle, Amanda Beitzel, Karen Bright, Renne Emiko Brock, Mary Ann Clayton, Betty Cook, Sally Ann Corbett, Bruce Cully, Anne Davies, Marca Davies, Denise Erickson, Kathey Ervin, Liisa Fagerlund, Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry, Susanne Foster, MarySue French, Carol Geer, Janet Green, Marilyn Heisted, Erica Iseminger, Estelle Jackson, Michelle Johnson, Susan Kroll, Mary Liebsch, Gladis Marr, Kathy Martin, Seri Mylchreest, Sherry Nagel, Sue Nylander, Patti Pattison, Jennifer Pelikan, Judy Ramos, Gloria Skovronsky, Judith Reandeau Stipe, Jan Tatom, Sue Thompson, Gail Van Horsen, Marla Varner, Karen Weiss, Pepai Whipple, Nancy K Wilcox, Diane Williams, Diane Wolf, and Jean Wyatt. Several artists will be demonstrating during the opening reception from 5:00 to 8:00 PM and even more on Saturday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Sequim Museum & Arts.


"Square Teapot" by Kathey Ervin
“Square Teapot” by Kathey Ervin

More details about the North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival at


Please join the City Arts Advisory Commission (CAAC) for the opening of the “Rocks, Gems & Jewels” exhibit and artist reception from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at the Sequim Civic Center, 152 W. Cedar Street. The artists represented are Bob Riley, Gail McLain, Pat Herkal, Kathy Schreiner, Mark Weiss, Eva Kozun, Paulette Hill, Scott Thornhill, David Johannessohn, Barbara Neswald, Katherine Loveland, Evan Miller, Mary Marsh, Randy Radock, and Beighle, Nagle & Feigenbutz. During the opening there will be demonstrations from local presenters talking about rock painting, stone sculpting, and jewelry restoration:

At 5:00 PM, Sarah Miller: “Paint a Rock, Give a Smile – How Sequim Rocks Got Its Start.”  Miller is the Administrator for the Sequim Rocks Facebook page. Sequim Rocks is a public group intended to serve as a conduit for members’ creativity and desire to spread goodness throughout our corner of the world. It’s about beauty, playfulness, creativity, and kindness. At 5:35 PM, Dan Fuller: “Estate Jewelry 101 and Is it a Diamond or Just Another Fake.” Fuller is the owner of Just Fix It, a Sequim jewelry sales and repair business.  He has 38 years of jewelry experience from gold refining, casting, and stone setting, to basic repairs.  Fuller has been a goldsmith in Sequim for the past 23 years specializing in fine antique and estate jewelry, coins, gold, and silver. At 6:00 PM, Eva Kozun and Barbara Neswald: “A Beginners Guide to the Joy and Addiction of Sculpting in Stone.” Kozun and Neswald will discuss the interest they have in working with stone and the satisfaction that the medium offers when they create art using this interesting and challenging medium.  An introduction to tools and techniques and two take home lessons will be included. Kozun has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Southern Maine and a second degree in Art Education from the Maine College of Art.  She was an art educator for 20 years and has exhibited her work in galleries throughout New England. Neswald studied art at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts and Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia, the Wallingford Community Arts Center, and the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles.  She has exhibited in shows and galleries throughout the east coast and has won multiple awards.  Prior to retirement, she worked in advertising as a copywriter, creative director and director of marketing.

Also in the Civic Center lobby, Clallam County Gem & Mineral Association share “All Things Lapidary” to learn how to process a stone from rough, to slab, to cabochon, to finished jewelry. Sarah Miller will demonstrate how to prepare and paint rocks. Dan Fuller invites the public to bring in their jewelry and he will help to identify what it is and provide ideas for redesign. The artists, Eva Kozan and Barbara Neswald, will be available to answer questions and discuss their work on display.


Beads from R&T Crystals


Once inspired, discover glittery hot rocks and colorful beads with fine jewelry demonstrations at R&T Crystals and Beads at 158 E Bell St.


"Sleepover" by Jean Wyatt
“Sleepover” by Jean Wyatt


Forage Gifts & Northwest Treasures at 121 W Washington St. features J Wyatt Art by Jean Wyatt a local Sequim artist and her colorful work is art that will make you smile. Explore whimsical paintings, color pencil works, and hand crafted journals that are one of a kind pieces of art.


Fiber Art by Rae Powell-Walz
Fiber Art by Rae Powell-Walz


Gary Stroutsos
Gary Stroutsos


Starting at 6:00 PM, Sequim Branch of the North Olympic Library System at 630 N. Sequim Ave., celebrates the opening of a new “Art in the Library” with fiber art by Rae Powell-Walz and enjoy refreshments with live music by flute player Gary Stroutsos from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Gary Straoutsos’ live performances have captivated audiences around the world. His meditative flute music and time-honored stories evoke the lands and cultures that he has studied over the course of his 35-year career. Gary’s mission is to carry the music forward to future generations and to promote stewardship of diverse cultures and the natural environment.


Rainshadow Café at 157 W Cedar St. is hosting the ever famous and local accordion player Kip Tulin that will entertain all with his great stories and Oom-Pah music featuring some great marches and polkas. German draught will be on tap and a full menu available. Special prizes for anyone wearing lederhosen and bring the kids for a fun evening.


"Viewing in Mid Value" by Mary Franchini
“Viewing in Mid Value” by Mary Franchini


"The Hat and the Sunglasses and the Watermelon" by Lynne Armstrong
“The Hat and the Sunglasses and the Watermelon” by Lynne Armstrong


At 129 W Washington St, Blue Whole Gallery’s exhibition “Think Pink” presents a combined creative offering from Mary Franchini and Lynne Armstrong in the windows. This display to efforts to honor Breast Cancer Awareness month is wonderfully curated by their longtime Barn Sisterhood friend Susan Gansert Shaw who recognized a color linked their paintings. The show will feature figures, (imagined and real), landscapes (imagined and real) and a lot of hats. Lynne Armstrong’s experience includes a decade of formal art education: BFA, MFA in Painting at Cornell, MA in Art History at Stanford, and years of exhibitions. Mary Franchini has taught mixed media, acrylic, monotypes, and pastel for Peninsula College, as well as, in her home studio.


Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. hosts live blues music by the Malcolm Clark Trio starting at 7:00 PM with award winning artfully crafted wines with appetizing tidbits.


"Discovery Trail" by Jan Kepley
“Discovery Trail” by Jan Kepley


Jan Kepley will be displaying his fine art photography at Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Ave. from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. This show will be an expression of Jan’s metaphoric and scenic fall influenced imagery, as well as, a display of photographic note cards and 2019 calendars.


The Olympic Theatre Arts Gathering Hall at 414 N Sequim Ave. has lively music by former Seattle band leader, concert impresario and recently arrived Sunland North resident, Burke Garrett, will, together with the Peninsula’s premium horn man, Craig Buhler. Garrett and Buhler promise to offer up an exciting mix of classic Evergreen Standard Songs with emphasis on popular award winning hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies. From 5:30 to 7:00 PM, the duo will dish up the music of Hoagy Carmichael, Ray Charles, Duke Ellington, Harold Arlen, Johnny Mercer and Henry Mancini. First Friday at OTA is always free to the public, where the snack and beverage bar will be open. For most of the sixties Burke had the most popular working dance band in Seattle. Burke was originally a reed player, alto, tenor, soprano saxes and clarinet, during the years that he fronted the Burke Garrett orchestra. Following his band leader years, Burke was a co-owner of the Seattle concert company, Northwest Releasing Corporation. Craig Buhler’s band HONK toured with The Beach Boys, Loggins & Messina, Chicago, Santana, etc. and released 5 albums. HONK still sells out its California appearances. Buhler also teaches clarinet, saxophone, flute, ear training, and improvisation at Joyful Noise Music Center in Sequim.


Brown Glass and Fiber Art at Bagladies

Fiber fun by local artists with handcrafted works and artful up-cycled items at The Bag Ladies of Sequim at 161 W Washington Street. They create colorful usable items from old wool blankets and garments that have otherwise seen their last days. All of their creations are one of a kind items that are handmade. Each item has a unique combination of felting, hand dying, beading, embroidering and appliqueing. Many amazing artists’ works are for sale in their shop.


Enter Brad Griffin's Studio and Sequim Makerspace
Enter Brad Griffin’s Studio and Sequim Makerspace


New to the Art Walk! Sequim Community Makerspace Inventing Studio at 311 W Turnhere Road is own by wood bending designer and creator of Sequim Community Makerspace, Brad Griffith, who opens his inventing studio to the public for hands on activities and tours. Kids of all ages are welcome to explore and learn how to bend craft sticks, safely without steam of boiling. Please come and discover ten years of making wood bend, you will find art, toys, crafts, gifts, furniture and the new woodshop of the future. Also, the studio / home was Sequim’s first creamery “Dungeness-Sequim Cooperative Creamery” built in 1914 which also can be accessed via W Hendrickson Road across from the Sequim Middle School.

Also new to the Art Walk! Tracy Wealth Management at 149 West Washington St. and Evil Roy’s Elixirs Distillery at 209 S. Sequim Ave.


Ryoko Toyama with fellow artist studies
Ryoko Toyama with fellow artist studies


Special Art Walk Event! On Sunday, October 7, please visit Ryoko Toyama at the Gallery at Fifth Avenue to enjoy her enchanting, colorful art and learn about her experiences as an artist.



Look for luminarias or “festival lights” to connect the artful spots as the Art Walk celebrates its twelfth year anniversary this month of fostering creative and artistic ideals while supporting local businesses, including artists as enterprises, to create cultural vitality that is financially beneficial, intrinsically responsible, and improves the quality of life in our community. Initiated in 2006, Renne Emiko Brock, Sequim Art Walk sponsor and producer, wanted to establish a free, encouraging, and inclusive event that included all forms of the Arts as an open invitation for our community to participate in an evening of talent, education, and validation of local creative efforts in over 33 locations around town. Thanks to altruistic, collaborative commitment, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim continues to grow and prosper with the encouragement of our community, businesses, educational and cultural institutions, and artists. It is has always been free for businesses and artists of all media to participate and free to the public to enjoy.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you!

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.


Please join our Facebook Page at


"Forest Fire" by Donna Lee Dowdney

Fiber Arts and Orange Themed October 6 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Snuggles and Spices Up Art in the Evening

October 6, 5 – 8 PM

Various Locations in Sequim

Color Theme is ORANGE

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

October 6 Art Walk Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is warm, spicy, energizing, appetizing, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The hospitable hue of orange reminds us cozy fires, snuggly seasonal sweaters, nesting and organizing, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy fall colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

Special events October 6:

"Birch in a Golden Field" by Carolyn Doe
“Birch in a Golden Field” by Carolyn Doe

The 12th Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival, an interactive fiber arts event connecting to the community with activities Oct 6-8, starts at the Sequim Art Walk! “Threads Count – Textiles, Technology & Tales” Opening Reception of the fiber arts exhibition which runs October 6 to November 25, 2017 at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 175 W Cedar St. Sequim WA. This juried fiber arts exhibition validates the advancement of civilization, culture, and community through fiber works that expose the application of innovations in art and science while also creatively expressing the thoughtful tales and ties that bind us together. Balancing aesthetics and utility, fiber art creators manifest meaningful stories with stitches, advocate through Craftivism, and empower inclusion by making efficient and / or exquisite objects that educate, unify, and inspire.

The “Threads Count” exhibition artists includes Carolyn Abbott, Joyce Alford, Lynn Aleta Baritelle, Alex Borgen, Renne Emiko Brock, Mary Ann Clayton, Kathie Cook, Anne Davies, Marca Davies, Michele Delli Gatt, Lauralee DeLuca, Carolyn Doe, Donna Dowdney, Liisa Fagerlund, Marijane Figg, Susanne Foster, MarySue French, Carol Geer, Janet Green, Pamela Hastings, Marilyn Hiestana, Pat Herkal, Leslie Hoex, Kathy Hogan, Erica Iseminger, Estelle Jackson, Christiane Johnson, Lee Johnson, Marge Kepner, Susan Kroll, Mary Liebsch, Connie Lobo, Kathy Martin, Serena Mylchreest, Sherry Nagel, Susan Nylander, Ilse Osier, Patti Pattison, Jennifer Pelikan, Kim Perkins, Barbara Ramsey, Diane Ross, Susan Savage, Allison Sell, Gloria Skovronsky, Peggy St. George, Sue Thompson, Marla Varner, Nancy Wilcox, Diane Williams, and Beth Witters.


During the Art Walk, be sure to visit the Gallery at The Fifth Ave. at 500 Hendrickson Road featuring artist Beverly Beighle with her show called “Torn Between Two Art Forms” with her art quilts and paintings.


Fiber fun by local artists with handcrafted works and artful up-cycled items at The Bag Ladies of Sequim at 161 W Washington Street. They create colorful usable items from old wool blankets and garments that have otherwise seen their last days. All of their creations are one of a kind items that are handmade. Each item has a unique combination of felting, hand dying, beading, embroidering and appliqueing. Several other artists’ works are for sale in their shop.


Local Yarn Shop at 213 E Washington St. hosts live music and motivating fiber arts demonstrations.


photograph by Jan Kepley
photograph by Jan Kepley

Delight in distinctive perspectives with Jan Kepley’s thoughtful photographs and greeting cards on display at Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Ave.


Lamb Farm Kitchen Shoppe at 272 W. Bell St, behind the Oak Table, presents a book signing with Kate McDermott author of “The Art of Pie”.


West Coast Sea Glass Jewelry by Mary Beth Beuke
West Coast Sea Glass Jewelry by Mary Beth Beuke

City of Sequim Arts Commission presents the “Found Art Exhibit” at the Sequim Civic Center lobby at 152 W Cedar St. The art exhibited is a collection of collected items that the artists have made into art from many interesting things. Art made from driftwood, yard tools, shells, paper, and many other interesting mediums on display. During the October 6 Art Walk, three free workshops are available, 5:15pm Gavin Wuttken from Around Again will demonstrate making collectibles into art, 6:00pm Tim and Toy from Saturday Markets Steampunk Art will be sharing their craft and at 6:45 Mary Beth Beuke will demonstrate how she makes sea glass into art. This exhibit will be in City Hall from October thru December 2017.

Beads from R&T Crystals

Fine jewelry demonstrations by D’Ann Gonzales and Gail Mclaine at R&T Crystals and Beads at 158 E Bell St. with a special store wide sale.


"Echoes" by Katherine Loveland
“Echoes” by Katherine Loveland


"Autumn Clouds" by Priscilla Patterson
“Autumn Clouds” by Priscilla Patterson


Blue Whole Gallery’s “Rhythm and Shape” exhibit features artists photographer Katherine Loveland and painter Priscilla Patterson at 129 W Washington St. Award winning photographer, Katherine says, the theme is “Through the Looking Glass” from Lewis Carroll’s (1871) book. The window will display my macro photography which like Carroll’s book portrays familiar objects as unfamiliar, an alternative universe. Award winning artist Priscilla Patterson enjoys the opportunity to work in detail in watercolor as well as a little more free flowing in oil. Shapes and values are the challenge which makes painting fun. Combining the intricacies of manmade objects, buildings and transportation vehicles, particularly aircraft, with nature has been her focus for more than 30 years. Priscilla has been a member of the American Society of Aviation Artists since 1994 where she serves as Education Chairman.


Thank you for helping us celebrate 10 years of the Sequim Art Walk!
Thank you for helping us celebrate 11 years of the Sequim Art Walk in October 2017!

Look for luminarias or “festival lights” to connect the artful spots as the Art Walk celebrates its eleventh year anniversary this month of fostering creative and artistic ideals while supporting local businesses, including artists as enterprises, to create cultural vitality that is financially beneficial, intrinsically responsible, and improves the quality of life in our community. Initiated in 2006, Renne Emiko Brock, Sequim Art Walk sponsor and producer, wanted to establish a free, encouraging, and inclusive event that included all forms of the Arts as an open invitation for our community to participate in an evening of talent, education, and validation of local creative efforts in over 30 locations around town. Thanks to altruistic, collaborative commitment, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim continues to grow and prosper with the encouragement of our community, businesses, educational and cultural institutions, and artists. It is has always been free for businesses and artists of all media to participate and free to the public to enjoy.

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

This encouraging and educational arts event is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360-460-3023 or If you are an artist of any media, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities. Thank you!

Please join our Facebook Page:

“Material Measurement – Magnitude, Meaning & Makers” fiber arts exhibition

Orange Themed October 7 First Friday Art Walk Sequim Lights Up the Night Celebrating 10 Years

October 7, 5 – 8 PM at Various Locations in Sequim

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

Initiated in 2006, Renne Emiko Brock, Sequim Art Walk sponsor and producer, wanted to establish a free, encouraging, and inclusive event that included all forms of the Arts as an open invitation for our community to participate in an evening of talent, education, and validation of local creative efforts in over 30 locations around town. Thanks to altruistic, collaborative commitment, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim continues to grow and prosper with the encouragement of our community, businesses, educational and cultural institutions, and artists.

Look for luminarias or “festival lights” to connect the artful spots as the Art Walk celebrates its ten year anniversary this month of fostering creative and artistic ideals while supporting local businesses, including artists as enterprises, to create cultural vitality that is financially beneficial, intrinsically responsible, and improves the quality of life in our community. It is has always been free for businesses and artists of all media to participate and free to the public to enjoy.

October 7 Art Walk Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is one of the brighter colors in fall as summer fades away. Orange is energizing, delightful, sweet, zesty, and inspires optimism and active participation. The warm hue of orange reminds us toasty fires, nesting and organizing, seasonal sweaters, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful sweets, encouraging teachers and mentors. You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or spicy colors as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

Special events October 7:

"American Tradition" by Diane Williams
“American Tradition” by Diane Williams

"Calla Lillys - transparency weaving" by Lynn Baritelle
“Calla Lillys – transparency weaving” by Lynn Baritelle

"Rescue" by Gloria Skovronsky
“Rescue” by Gloria Skovronsky

"Night-Watcher" by Connie Lobo
“Night-Watcher” by Connie Lobo

The North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival’s “Material Measurement – Magnitude, Meaning & Makers” fiber arts juried exhibition is at the Sequim Museum & Arts at 175 West Cedar St. is about vindicating the volume and importance of all fiber in its many forms while reflecting on textiles, tales, and talent through enlightenment, abundance, accumulation, and perception. Conspicuous consumption or considerate consequences, creators convey cloth’s transformation from meaningless mass into something that matters. Fiber Artists included in the exhibition are Carolyn Abbott, Lynn Baritelle, Helga Barton, Beverly Biegle, Catherine Bilyard, Renne Emiko Brock, Debra Danielson, Lauralee DeLuca, Liisa Fagerlund, Marijane Figg, MarySue French, Debi Glass, Janet Green, Pamela Hastings, Heartfelt Collective, Leslie Hoex, Lee Johnson, Margie Kepner, Susan Kroll, Danielle Lawrence, Mary Liebsch, Connie Lobo, Donna McMillen, Sherry Nagel, Sue Nylander, Pat Oden, Noreen O’Neill, Betty Oppenheimer, Ilse Osier, Monica Quarto, Diane Ross, Sandy Schlechter, Gladys Schulz, Alison Sell, Gloria Skovronsky, Stephanie Swenson, Marla Varner, Judy Warner, Diane Williams, Christie Wise, and Beth Witters.

Jazzy Judy - lyricist and songwriter
Jazzy Judy – lyricist and songwriter

Amazing singer and teacher “Jazzy Judy” Clark will perform at the Sequim Museum & Arts during the reception with upbeat tunes. With a vocal style reminiscent of female singers during the 20s-60s, Judy Clark is an experienced and versatile entertainer.  From big band to gospel, smooth jazz to country ballads, folk to Hawaiian, and much more, her voice and presence are perfect for a variety of settings.

"Coded Message" by Carol Janda
“Coded Message” by Carol Janda

"Toward the Unknown" by Katherine Loveland
“Toward the Unknown” by Katherine Loveland

Blue Whole Gallery’s featured artists in October are Carol Janda, a veteran painter, potter and teacher, and Katherine Loveland, award winning photographer, at 129 W Washington St.

Gail McLain will be doing fine jewelry demonstrations at R&T Crystals and Beads at 158 E Bell St. with a store wide sale too.

Starting at 6:00 PM, Sequim Branch of the North Olympic Library System at 630 N. Sequim Ave., celebrates the opening of a new “Art in the Library” exhibit featuring the black and white photographs of Ken Dvorak. And at 6:30pm, the Chuck Eastman/Rex Rice Quintet will perform tunes from the “Boys in the Boat” era, including big band jazz and swing.

A new Fiber Art Exhibit presented by the City Arts Advisory Commission is in the Sequim Civic Center lobby at 152 W Cedar St.

orange yarn from The Local Yarn Shop
orange yarn from The Local Yarn Shop

Local Yarn Shop at 213 E Washington St. hosts live music and motivating fiber arts demonstrations.

Cedarbrook Lavender Farm Shop in Orange and Fall colors
Cedarbrook Lavender Farm Shop in Orange and Fall colors

Get creative with lavender and meet a “budding” artist at Cedarbrook Lavender at 134 1/2 W Washington St.

Ready for some fine ukulele music? The Olympic Peninsula Ukulele Strummers (OPUS) take to the stage at 5:30 p.m. at Olympic Theater Arts at 414 N Sequim Ave. Formerly known as the Eden Valley Strummers, OPUS consists of anywhere from eight to 30 players, according to Dan King, the group’s spokesperson, adding there is also an accordion and mandolin player. The group began with only four players, but soon were entertaining folks at rehabilitation centers throughout the area. They also played for city events such as the Juan de Fuca Festival, the county fair, the annual Christmas Tree Lighting and the Fourth of July parade.

watercolor by George Zien
watercolor by George Zien

Look for the luminaries lighting up Mia Bella at 130A N 3rd Ave. features fascinating art by Curposney Gadane of Enhanced Art containing surrealistic storytelling via collage. Mia Bella also hosts artists Pat Gordon, George Zien, Priscilla Patterson, Pam Kauffman, and gorgeous concrete garden features of hosts, rhubarb, and other exotic leaves bejeweled and painted by Joanie Schmoll.

"Discovery Trail" by Jan Kepley
“Discovery Trail” by Jan Kepley

Jan Kepley’s thoughtful photographs are on display at 1st Security Bank at 114 S Sequim Ave. artist’s reception from 4:30 to 6:00 PM with cards and calendars for sale.

Maia Waye’s Inspirational Art is on display at Sequim Spice and Tea 139 W Washington St.

Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St. hosts live music with Tony Flaggs Band that is a mixture of folk and rock with award winning artfully crafted wines with appetizing tidbits.

Show your support! Dungeness Kids has Dillon Liebert, a local teen, who will be busking at 990 E Washington St. He is a junior at Sequim High and a local singer/ songwriter that was raised right here in Sequim.

One of the newest venues to the Art Walk is The Bag Ladies of Sequim at 167 W Washington St. next to Emerald Grill with up-cycled items for a new purpose with an artful twist. They create colorful usable items from old wool blankets and garments that have otherwise seen their last days. All of their creations are one of a kind items that are handmade. Each item has a unique combination of felting, hand dying, beading, embroidering and appliqueing. Several other artists’ works are for sale in their shop.

Download Your Sequim Art Walk Map PDF

Color themes for First Friday Art Walk Sequim

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Want to participate as a venue or artist on the Official First Friday Art Walk Sequim Map, Listing, and Website, please contact Renne Emiko Brock at 360.460.3023 or If you are an artist of any media on the Art Walk, please get your information to Renne for publicity and opportunities.

Please join our Facebook Page:

Thank you for your support!



"Contentment" by Muff Fregia

Celebrate Fiber Art and Fall for October 2 First Friday Art Walk with Orange Color Theme

"Sunshine on Sequim" by Pat Oden
“Sunshine on Sequim” by Pat Oden

First Friday Art Walk Sequim

October 2, 5 – 8 p.m.

Various Venues in Sequim WA


Initiated in 2006, the First Friday Art Walk Sequim is an encouraging and educational arts event that is sponsored and produced by Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond / unique as you. The Art Walk celebrates its ninth-year anniversary this month of fostering creative and artistic ideals while supporting local businesses, including artists as enterprises, to create cultural vitality that is financially beneficial, intrinsically responsible, and improves the quality of life in our community. With collaborative contribution and the encouragement of our community, the Art Walk continues to grow and prosper. It is has always been free for businesses and artists of all media to participate and free to the public to enjoy.


October 2 Art Walk Color Theme is ORANGE! Orange is full of energy and inspires active participation and encouragement. The warm hue of orange reminds us toasty fires, nesting and organizing, seasonal sweaters, friendship made out of admirable interests, delightful zesty sweets, supportive teachers and mentors. The Tenth Annual North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival launches during the Art Walk! You will find works of art and folks supporting the option to dress in shades of orange or sugar and spice smiles as they enjoy an evening on the town with friends and family.

First Friday Art Walk Sequim is a fun and free self-guided tour of local art venues in Sequim on the First Friday of every month from 5 – 8 p.m. Visit online at as your resource to download and print your own map, find out what special events are happening, links, and how you can be part of art. Our mission is to create approachable and accessible art and cultural venues that encourage the community to connect and celebrate expression and diversity.

This encouraging and educational arts event is sponsored and produced by unique as you / Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond.


Special events for October 2:

"Hawaiian Fractal" by Liisa Fagerlund
“Hawaiian Fractal” by Liisa Fagerlund

“Fostered Fiber – Remembrance, Remnants & Mentors” is the theme for the 2015 North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival Juried Exhibition at the Museum & Arts Center at 175 West Cedar St. Downtown Sequim. This year the exhibition theme is about expressing the dedication to cloth, cherished memories, and mentorship with gifts of knowledge and kindness, while cultivating interest in generations to come in the practice of fiber arts creation and sharing of abundance. From first attempts to work with thread, yarn, and fleece to refined finished objects of art, the fiber works that tell stories of fostering learning and living are desired.

The “Fostered Fiber – Remembrance, Remnants & Mentors” exhibition includes Judy Anderson, Aleta Lynn Baritelle, Catherine Bilyard, Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Kathleen Dwyer, Season D. Evans, Liisa Fagerlund, Janette L. Finfrock, Susanne F. Foster, Muff Fregia, MarySue French, Janet Green, Stan Green, Pamela Hastings, Isamar L. Heras, Beth A. Hutmacher, Celeste Kardonsky Dybeck, Susan S. Kroll, Mary Liebsch, Cathy MacGregor, Donna L. McMillen, Mikie M. Morris, Kathryn Myers, Serena Mylchreest, Sherry Nagel, Susan Nylander, Pat Oden, Judy Ramos, Cheryl Reed, Marilyn Reinarz, Susanne Scott, Nora Shapiro, Gloria Skovronsky, Kerry Smith, Marielle Snyder, Peggy St. George, Jenny Stice, Marla Varner, and Mary Ellen Wells.

"Contentment" by Muff Fregia
“Contentment” by Muff Fregia


The Laff Pack Clowns will be bringing smiles and creating joy on the art walk, you can find them about town and enjoy bits of magic and balloon artistry. They do wonderful events for charity, children, nursing homes, and the elderly.

Marina Shipova and Noel Price with the books of Sadko Baba Yaga and the Murom Wood
Marina Shipova and Noel Price with the books of Sadko Baba Yaga and the Murom Wood

Hart’s Fine Books presents book signing event with Marina Shipova and Noel Price with the books of Sadko Baba Yaga and the Murom Wood at 161 W Washington St. These beautifully illustrated stories are English translations of ancient folk tales based upon historical events and geographical locations from their Russian Folk Portal series. They have been researched and restored to their proper place in space and time, preserving an element of magic and fantasy. Free to public with live music and refreshments.

"Girl and Lamb" by Richard Jesse Watson
“Girl and Lamb” by Richard Jesse Watson

Blue Whole Gallery at 129 W Washington St. presents guest artist, Richard Jesse Watson. Acclaimed artist, Richard Jesse Watson, exhibits work at Blue Whole Gallery in October. His paintings hang in museums, corporate and private collections internationally. The paintings represented in this exhibit span two ends of a continuum, refined realism and untethered abstraction.


Local Yarn Shop at 213 E Washington St. hosts Chick Dixon Band and a demonstration of Portuguese knitting.


R&T Crystals and Beads has fine jewelry demonstrations from Paulette Hill and Gail McLain at 158 E Bell St.


Savor culture at Rainshadow Roasting Company and enjoy local micro-roasted coffee and art at 157 W Cedar St.


Gallery on the Walls showcases Sally Cays and Patricia Taynton at 128 E Washington St. inside the Sequim Vision Center.


That Takes the Cake inspires sweetness with colorful cupcakes that are art at 171 W Washington St.


Always delight in live music and fresh art with award winning artfully crafted wines with appetizing tidbits at Wind Rose Cellars at 143 W Washington St.


Discover colorful bento boxes and excellent creative toys at Dungeness Kids Co. at 163 W. Washington St.


Enjoy Craig Robinson’s artwork at Sequim Spice and Tea at 139 W Washington St. and try a sample of their unique teas and salts.


Enjoy these venues during the First Friday Art Walk including Alder Wood Bistro at 139 W Alder St., Cedarbrook Lavender at 134 1/2 W Washington St., Pacific Pantry at 229 S Sequim Ave., Nourish at 1345 S Sequim Ave. South of HY101, Heather Creek at 122 W Washington St., Galare Thai at 120 W Bell, Solar City’s Tesa Boutique & Tanning Retreat at 135 W Washington St., Olympic Theatre Arts at 414 N. Sequim Ave., Fieldnotes at 123 E Washington St., and Sequim’s Sunshine Café at 145 W Washington St.

To create inclusion between venues, artists, and audience, everyone is encouraged to participate in the Art Walk’s monthly themes as a fun community activity in any creative form they wish to express it. ­January is silver, February is red, March is green, April is pink, May is aqua, June is white, July is purple, August is yellow, September is blue, October is orange, November is brown, and December is gold.

Thank you for your support and if you want to learn more or find out how you can participate on the First Friday Art Walk Sequim, please contact Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond at 360.460.3023 or


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North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is always the first weekend in October
North Olympic Fiber Arts Festival is always the first weekend in October details at